Unlock the 3 Doors to Deep Supremely Restful Transcendental Sleep
“And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good
oblivion, and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower then I have been
dipped again in God, and new-created.”
—D.H. Lawrence
Transcendental sleep is perhaps our most sacred state of being. It literally
bestows countless health and spiritual benefits. It's the sleep of which
poets write, the sleep that profoundly heals and renews, the sleep that
opens the door to the creative energy of the universe, the sleep that you
naturally experienced as a child, but most likely have been denied as an
And thus because you no longer experience deep restful sacred sleep you suffer from numerous health problems that you mistakenly don't associate with the quality of your sleep. If you're like most people you view sleep as nothing more than what you do (if you have time!) when you are tired.
How long you sleep, how well you sleep, what you discover about yourself while you sleep, are of little importance just as long as you get some shut eye. Hence, the widespread use of addictive narcotic sleeping pills designed solely to knock you out, robbing you of the blessed rejuvenation only natural sleep can give. It doesn't have to be this way.
The Foundation
My name is Richard Waggoner. I am the CEO of IMMUNOCORP® which I founded in 1998 to develop the world's most effect natural health products with a focus on the immune system. Over the years IMMUNOCORP® has developed several world class brands such as IMMUTOL®, ARCTIC RUBY OIL® and ACUITOL®. We've enjoyed great success.
But I must confess, I knew from IMMUNOCORP®'S inception that the foundation for good health in general and the immune system in particular was quality sleep. You heard me right. There is no product in the world, be it natural or otherwise, that can do more for your health than a good night's sleep.
Sleep improves immunity, clarity, cognition, memory and heart health like nothing else. Sleep eliminates stress, anxiety, depression and fear. Sleep boosts motivation, creativity and happiness. Sleep markedly reduces healing time from whatever has infected or injured you. There is simply nothing that works better for total health renewal than deep natural sleep.
Failure Brings Dr. Lee
I toiled for years along with my team of scientists developing an effective
natural formula that could help you experience deep quality sleep. I failed
miserably. Along the way, here's what I discovered.
With the exception of Melatonin, which can make you sleepy, an important first step but only a first step, no other touted sleep ingredients seemed to work.
Believe me, if they worked I would have used them but they don't. Sure, some natural ingredients can slightly relax you, like Magnesium, GABA, Ashwagandha, Cava, and L-Tryptophan, but overall, individually or combined, they can not deliver deep restful sleep no matter what is claimed about them.
After nearly 10 years of trying to develop the ultimate sleep support supplement I gave up. To be precise, I gave up until I recently recalled my fateful 2015 meeting in Shanghai with a most extraordinary man, the inimitable legendary TCM practitioner, Dr. Lee, who subsequently proved instrumental in developing ACUITOL®, my best selling mental acuity supplement. I again sought Dr. Lee's help. And once again, even though he was extremely advanced in age, he beat all my expectations. My only regret was I didn't ask for Dr. Lee's help sooner!
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM has been around for a very long time, over five thousand years. TCM
believes all life, in fact the entire universe, is animated by an energy
called Chi (chee). There is a female side of Chi called Ying and a male side
called Yang. Your body is a small universe connected to the larger universe
by this life force Chi which both gives you life, connects you to all other
life, and ultimately to the entire universe.
In order to be healthy, TCM practitioners believe Chi must be balanced and flowing unobstructed throughout your entire body and mind. When health problems arise, such as the horrible inability to experience deep restful sleep, it is because the flow of Chi is somehow obstructed or out of balance.
Through the centuries TCM practitioners, like Dr. Lee, have discovered by careful observation which herbs or combination of herbs can safely balance (harmonize) Chi for a variety of health conditions, including of course what TCM practitioners consider the most dangerous of all health conditions, insomnia. TCM is without a doubt the most tested and safe methods of health restoration known to mankind.
Dr. Lee said he had already developed a TCM sleep formulation he called PRECIPIA™. He never told me what PRECIPIA™ means, but once I heard the name I couldn't forget it. Dr. Lee said PRECIPIA™ could open the 3 doors leading to heavenly sleep. What followed was extraordinary.
Opening the 3 Doors Dr. Lee's Words
In China we believe there are 3 doors that must be opened in order to experience heavenly sleep, or transcendental sleep which I prefer to use for english speakers.
Approximately 30 minutes after taking PRECIPIA™, The first door to transcendental sleep opens. You are entering the great void, a return, a coming home, shedding your waking identity, releasing all your worries and troubles, relaxing deeper and deeper you begin to sleep.
Your body can now focus its Chi on repair and renewal. Because of your deep relaxation your body's Chi pathways are open allowing it to more deeply unite with the source of all life.
This phase of your journey has been described as the healing phase, it is not the time of dreaming, but rather the time your body devotes exclusively to healing. I believe the stories you've heard about spontaneous remissions occur within this phase.
The amount of time you spend in the void varies for each individual. It can be as short as an hour or several hours depending on your body's healing needs. When the healing phase is over Door 2 opens.
As you enter this phase awareness returns, but devoid of waking concerns. You are free at last to return to the nightly wonderland you left long ago as a child, free to experience both personal and universal consciousness.
The dreaming phase in Transcendental Sleep is the creative phase where you begin to understand that you are creating your own dream. You are the master of whatever experience you chose to have. You are dreaming lucidly. You are consciously drawing from the source of all creation. You're both an individual and one with all beings. How long you remain in the dreaming phase is also up to the individual. Normally it lasts almost until daybreak. Door 3 then opens.
This phase is the shortest and last phase of Transcendental Sleep. I consider this phase the most spectacular of all the wonderful phases of Transcendental Sleep, for it is during this phase that you see your waking life most clearly. It is the transitional phase from sleeping to awakening.
In the west you call this phase the hypnogogic state. It is where you experience the true meaning of your life, where that seemingly insurmountable problem you've been struggling with suddenly is solved, where you feel incredibly blessed simply to be alive. The hypnogogic state has been described as an ocean of love and clarity, a glimpse into the heaven for which we are all destined.
Finally upon awakening from your sacred journey you feel like you have been born again into a new world that is vivid, clear, open, ready to support you in whatever you choose to accomplish.
You are totally rested, full of energy and vitality. You are whole. You are complete. You have opened the 3 doors and experienced Transcendental Sleep.
I thought if only half of what Dr. Lee said were true PRECIPIA™ would
certainly be the most effective sleep support supplement ever developed. I
would soon find out that everything Dr. Lee said about PRECIPIA™ was true.
Dr. Lee was not only a master practitioner of TCM, he owned one of the oldest manufacturers of TCM herbal remedies in China. The business had been in his family for centuries. He quickly sent me a test sample of PRECIPIA™. The capsules contained his TCM proprietary blend of 14 organic herbal extracts. Dr. Lee instructed me to take 2 PRECIPIA™ capsules 30 minutes before intending to sleep.
I, and my scientific team, 9 in total, immediately tried PRECIPIA™. Although our expectations were again high, having seen what Dr. Lee's previous TCM formulation ACUITOL® had accomplished, I also knew we were prepared to be let down. After all, we had just spent the better part of a decade developing every natural formulation we thought could possibly work. None of them delivered deep restful sleep.
PRECIPIA™ delivered! Not surprisingly, our individual experiences with PRECIPIA™ were different. However, all of our PRECIPIA™ experiences had one thing in common, profoundly restful, deep natural sleep. I ordered much more. At first, simply by word of mouth, PRECIPIA™ sales soared.
PRECIPIA™ Experiences

Thought I was doomed to be groggy and grump
I am a night person and not by choice. I just can't fall asleep earlier than 2, or, can you believe it, 3 am! l won't bore you with all the things I've tried to help me sleep over the years. Suffice to say, not a damn thing worked. I thought I was destined to be groggy and grumpy the rest of my life. And then your little book arrived. I ordered PRECIPIA™. Soon thereafter the miracle, blessed, luscious sleep. I'm gone by 10PM and arise early, alert and happy every single day.
Janet S.
Saratoga Springs, NY

I can't wait each night to go on a new journey.
Hands down, PRECIPIA™ is the best sleep supplement I've ever tried! And what incredible, joyous, insightful dreams I have. I literally can't wait each night to go on a new journey. Dr. Lee is right, Transcendental Sleep kinda sums it up.
Brody G.
Santa Fe, NM

Thank God I found PRECIPIA™.
I was an Insomniac on my way to becoming a full blown Maniac! Is there a curse worse than not being able to sleep? Thank God I found PRECIPIA™.
Craig D.
Newport Beach, CA

ALL my numbers have improved.
My doctor says ALL my numbers have improved. It's amazing what great sleep can do for your heart, your mood, and your marriage! Order PRECIPIA™!
Andy J.
Austin, TX
If you want to return to the wonderland of sleep you once knew as a child, if you want to experience the countless health and spiritual gifts only deep, supremely restful Transcendental Sleep brings, then why not try a sleep support formulation that actually works? Get PRECIPIA™, backed by more than 5000 years of herbal wisdom.
Richard Waggoner
How To Order PRECIPIA™
Bulk Discount Offers
One bottle (30-day supply) of PRECIPIA™ costs $70.00, plus $8.95 for shipping and handling ($78.95 total) Add (1) to cart. Most people order more than 1 bottle because IMMUNOCORP® offers significant multiple bottle discounts and all discounted orders include FREE US Domestic shipping ($8.95 value).
Take 20% Off 3 Bottles Add (3) to cart
Take 30% Off 6 Bottles Add (6) to cart
Take 40% Off 9 Bottles Add (9) to cart
Special Offer
As a one time introductory offer IMMUNOCORP® will discount the price by 50% per bottle to $35.00 at checkout. This one time price is limited to 9 bottles. Order 2 bottles or more and get FREE US Domestic shipping ($8.95 value).
100% GUARANTEED! All IMMUNOCORP® orders come with a 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked. If you are unsatisfied with any of the products you purchased from IMMUNOCORP®, please return the unused portion for a full refund.
The information contained within this article is for reference purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice given by a pharmacist, physician, or any other licensed health-care professional.
The statements in this article and PRECIPIA™ have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.