Beta Glucan

The One And Only Personal Trainer For Your Immune System™

Arguably the greatest immune strengthening product, indeed the greatest health product, ever developed.

Beta Glucan To say that Norway's outlier scientist, Dr. Jan Raa is a visionary is a gross understatement. It's taken traditional scientists over 2 decades just to begin to understand the immune strengthening power of IMMUTOL®.

During the past 26 years IMMUTOL®, Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan, has been scientifically proven, in study after study, to actually “train” your innate immune system to function optimally.

Here now is the story of what Dr. Jan Raa accomplished for you and the world. enjoy.

Your Immune System
Use It Or Lose It

Use It Or Lose ItLong before science confirmed what came to be known as the Hygiene Hypothesis Dr. Raa was on to it. He had read about how kids in third world countries didn't have food allergies and caught far less colds and flu than first world kids, even though third world kids are exposed daily to extremely, by our standards, unsanitary conditions. They play in a sea of germs but have robust optimally functioning immune systems. Dr. Jan Raa was not surprised. The immune systems of third world kids are challenged daily by exposure to germs. And because of this their immune systems are trained to become stronger and smarter.

It's just the opposite for affluent kids who live in super sanitized environments. Their immune systems are rarely exposed to germs and thus rarely challenged. Like a muscle that's never used their immune systems are weak and untrained. Consequently, affluent kids are plagued by food allergies and other serious disorders.

However, the microbial immune training sessions third world kids undergo is not without risk. Like all kids, they get sick, sometimes seriously. Dr. Raa reasoned there had to be a safer way to train immune systems for both young and old.

He thought if he could develop a natural substance that looked like a germ to your immune system causing it to activate but did not infect your body he would have a safe and effective way to train and strengthen immunity. He had no idea just how effective!

The Wall

The WallYou don't have one immune system, you have two, the innate and the adaptive. Traditional science focuses on the adaptive immune system. Vaccines are developed exclusively to help it. However, being the outlier scientist that he has always been, Dr. Jan Raa focused on the innate immune system, or as he calls it, The Wall.

His reason was simple, "It's better to have a wall that stops any and all invaders cold rather than relying on weapons to fight them once they've penetrated a weak barrier."

Your innate immune system is your first line of defense against viral, bacterial, and fungal invaders, novel or otherwise. If trained properly, your innate immune system can mount a lethal defense. But it has to be trained.

Whereas, your adaptive immune system works exclusively to destroy specific invaders once they've gotten past your untrained innate immune system. Vaccines give your adaptive immune system precise information it can use to destroy a specific pathogen. The problem is, as we all now know, pathogens mutate, necessitating the development of new vaccines, sometimes loaded with side effects, in an endless cycle of mutation and adaptation.

How to safely train your innate immune system to obliterate pathogens before they do damage led Dr. Raa to Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan and ultimately led modern immunology to finally understand the importance of training your innate immune system.

The Trainer

The TrainerLike a diamond in the rough, deep within the cell wall of Baker's yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) lay the immune training molecule Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan. To your innate immune system the Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan molecule looks like a deadly pathogen, providing it's been extracted without damaging its molecular shape. And that's exactly why IMMUTOL® contains the most active Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan that exists. Dr. Raa developed a patented process to extract Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan without damaging its molecular shape.

It's the molecular shape of Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan that triggers pattern recognition receptors (PRR) that line your innate immune system. Once these receptors are activated a cascade of immune events occur to ready your innate immune system for battle, but the battle doesn't happen.

What does happen is Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan trains your innate immune system to be orders of magnitude stronger and smarter. Each day you take IMMUTOL® your innate immune system gets progressively more capable of destroying invaders before they infect. Just as important, your innate immune system gets smarter, making it less likely to have allergic reactions and more likely to detect and deal with subclinical health problems that formerly were undetected.


Diane B.

A personal trainer for your immune system? What? Guess what! It's real!

I have struggled with chronic fatigue for years. I mean struggled! I've never been satisfied by the many explanations of what could be causing my chronic fatigue or the drug treatments that were supposedly the best medical science had to offer. Nothing ever improved my condition. In fact it has gotten progressively worse the past few years. I have always believed that I had some kind of infection or infections that my immune system couldn't see. After using Immutol for about two weeks my energy levels started to improve. At 30 days my energy was soaring! Immutol definitely trained my immune system to function better. I am convinced my immune system is now addressing what ever caused my chronic fatigue.

Diane B.
Los Angeles, CA

Jamey G.

I believe Immutol saved my life!

Hospitalized seven times, had two exploratory surgeries, have been prescribed more drugs than I care to remember. Basically I have what's called a non specific stomach disorder. Nobody knows what's really wrong with me. Some doctors have said I might have some type of stubborn low grade infection. But the many antibiotics that I've tried haven't touched it. It's almost impossible for me to digest anything but the most bland meals. A miserable life.

Sometimes I have excruciating pain that leaves me no alternative but the strongest pain pills. I had about lost all hope when I read the Immutol book and how it was able to train your innate immune system. It made sense. I had no idea if my health problems were related to a bum immune system, but I gave Immutol a try. After taking Immutol for a few weeks I started to notice I could eat more types of food with out feeling sick. Food that actually tastes good! By the second month using Immutol I experienced rapid improvement. Now I feel great. I just want to say that you have developed the only thing that has ever helped me. What an incredible product. Training your immune system definitely works!

Jamey G.
Memphis, TN

Clayton L.

Inflammation wake up call! Immutol saved the day!

Last year I went in for a routine physical. The results of my blood test showed that I had higher than normal levels of something called C-reactive Protein (CRP). My doctor explained that CRP is a marker for a heightened state of internal inflammation. The next thing he said got a little scary. He said that elevated CRP is related to an increased (up to four times!) risk for heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease. He also said inflammation was probably the cause of my intense joint pain which I simply attributed to my workouts. I am only 42 and in pretty good shape. My cholesterol levels have always been normal. I had no idea that I had some kind of inflammation in my body or what was causing it.

But I had just seen a posting on the web about how Immutol could train your innate immune system making it more able to detect subclinical problems like inflammation. It sounded a lot better than the drugs my doctor recommended. I ordered Immutol and took it for two months before returning (joint pain free) for a new blood test. The results showed that my CRP level was normal. My doctor was literally stunned. He did his own investigation of Immutol and now recommends it to all of his patients no matter what their health issue. Could there be a stronger endorsement! I've been taking Immutol to train my immune system for more than 1 year now, not a single cold or flu!

Clayton L.
San Francisco, CA

Cindy L.

Haven't missed a day of work since I began using Immutol

I am a working mother with 3 boys, 5,7,and 11. Hardly a month went by without one of them catching something. You name it. My house is a germ factory. The problem is if one of my boys brings something home from school or where ever, mom ends up just as sick. It was a real problem because it seemed like every other week I'd miss a couple of days of work, sometimes more. I tried every thing to boost my immunity, supplements, herbs, positive thinking. I think my kids were bringing home super bugs because whatever I did the viral and bacterial infections kept on coming. Last year I started using Immutol to train my immune systems. I made my kids use it too. The infections went way down. I haven't been ill for one minute in over 2 years. My kids still get sick but a lot less. I've got to say Immutol hands down is the greatest health product out there.

Cindy L.
Salt lake City, UT

How Fit Is Your Immune System?

How Fit Is Your Immune System? Training your innate immune system with Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan represents one of the most important health advancements ever achieved. IMMUTOL® dwarfs the effectiveness of products like echinacea, mushroom extracts, or any other so-called immune boosters.

Backed by rigorous clinical testing, IMMUTOL®'s popularity has grown exponentially, and is now sold worldwide. Why suffer the horrors of a weak untrained immune system? Most health problems are directly related to untrained immune systems.Train yours! Get IMMUTOL®. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your trained innate immune system can deal with just about anything that endangers your health. Period.

Every Day Bulk Discounts

One (1) bottle of IMMUTOL® costs $53.95, plus $8.95 for shipping and handling ($62.90 total). Most people order more than 1 bottle because IMMUNOCORP® offers significant multiple bottle discounts and all discounted orders include FREE US Domestic shipping ($8.95 value).

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100% GUARANTEED! All IMMUNOCORP® orders come with a 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked. If you are unsatisfied with any of the products you purchased from IMMUNOCORP®, please return the unused portion for a full refund.

Scientific Studies

It took a pandemic for traditional scientists to finally wake up to what Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan is capable of doing for innate immunity. Here's a small sample of scientific studies from around the world that started being published during the pandemic and have continued being published.

Viruses. 2023 May; 15(5): 1204
Published online 2023 May 19
β-Glucan Induces Training Immunity to Promote Antiviral Activity by Activating TBK1
Guolei Wang, Zhiqiang Li, Xianghua Cui, Chenglin Ye, Li Yuan, Muhammad Suhaib Qudus, Uzair Afaq, Kailang Wu, Xinghui Liu, Chengliang Zhu

Journal of Innate Immunology
Published online 2023 Sep 21.
Selected β-Glucans Act as Immune-Training Agents by Improving Anti-Mycobacterial Activity in Human Macrophages: A Pilot Study
Clara Braian, Lovisa Karlsson, Jyotirmoy Das, and Maria Lerm

The Journal of Immunology
1 December 2021
β-Glucan Induces Distinct and Protective Innate Immune Memory in Differentiated Macrophages
Cody L. Stothers ,Katherine R. Burelbach, Allison M. Owen, Naeem K. Patil, Margaret A. McBride, Julia K. Bohannon, Liming Luan, Antonio Hernandez, Tazeen K. Patil, David L. Williams, Edward R. Sherwood

Frontiers of Immunology
Published online 2020 Jul 14
Could the Induction of Trained Immunity by β-Glucan Serve as a Defense Against COVID-19?
Anne Geller1,2 and Jun Yan2, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Edited by: Urszula Krzych, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, United States.

One wonders what would have happened if everybody had trained their innate immune system before Covid 19 showed up? Would there have even been a pandemic?

Every Day Bulk Discounts

One (1) bottle of IMMUTOL® costs $53.95, plus $8.95 for shipping and handling ($62.90 total). Most people order more than 1 bottle because IMMUNOCORP® offers significant multiple bottle discounts and all discounted orders include FREE US Domestic shipping ($8.95 value).

Buy Now

100% GUARANTEED! All IMMUNOCORP® orders come with a 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked. If you are unsatisfied with any of the products you purchased from IMMUNOCORP®, please return the unused portion for a full refund.